The three-quarter view of the figure is one of the most important views to learn to draw well. This tutorial focuses on drawing the rib cage and chest, with a basic description of how the figure conforms to the rules of perspective from a three-quarter, eye-level view.
Read more...Tutorial 07: A Schematic Drawing of the Figure from a Rear, Eye-Level View
It’s time to introduce a new view of the figure—the rear, eye-level view. This tutorial builds on the lessons in drawing the figure from the front, and should be reasonably easy if you’ve learned that view. We draw the entire schematic framework of the figure here, limbs and all, so be prepared!
Read more...Tutorial 06: Adding the Arms to the Schematic Figure from a Front, Eye-Level View
This tutorial adds the schematic shapes of the arm muscles to the standing figure, completing the figure from a front, eye-level view. The tutorial also discusses certain common characteristics of the arms in a relaxed position at the sides of the body.
Read more...Tutorial 05: Adding the Legs to the Schematic Figure from a Front, Eye-Level View
Having drawn the schematic shapes of the torso muscles, we need to give our figure something more than just sticks to stand on. This tutorial adds the muscles of the legs in the form of simple schematic shapes. It also features a discussion of certain common characteristics of the legs to help in drawing them from other views.
Read more...Tutorial 04: A Schematic Drawing of the Torso Muscles from a Front, Eye-Level View
This lesson builds on the schematic drawing of the figure created in Tutorials 01-03 by adding the muscles of the torso as they appear from a front, eye-level view. For ease of learning, the muscles are introduced in the form of schematic shapes.
Read more...If You Learn One Set of Proportions for Drawing the Figure, Make it This One
There are many systems—or canons—of proportions that artists have advocated over the years. The StArt Figure Drawing System uses a slightly idealized but commonly-used canon, which is preferable for at least four reasons. This post describes the StArt canon of proportions and what advantages it offers.
Read more...Tutorial 03: Adding the Limbs to the Schematic Figure from a Front, Eye-Level View
In this lesson, we complete the schematic drawing begun in the second tutorial by adding the limbs to the body. This tutorial demonstrates how to plot the position of the arms and legs from a front, eye-level view and introduces the concept of the appendicular figure.
Read more...Tutorial 02: A Schematic Drawing of the Axial Figure from a Front, Eye Level View
In this tutorial, we create a schematic drawing of the upper half of the body from the front, eye-level view. The tutorial demonstrates how to plot the position of the major features of the body for this view, and introduces the concepts of the axial figure and schematic drawing.
Read more...Tutorial 01: First Steps in Drawing a Static Standing Pose
This first tutorial demonstrates a process for starting many drawings of the standing figure, especially those featuring static or stationary poses. It also introduces the concepts of the core axis and head-length units, which are fundamental parts of the StArt System.